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In September 2018, after some minor experience in lowbudget sets and some theatrical involvement, Daniel Maru has the chance to fill in the role of director for "SAMARCANDA (2019)", his first short.


Following the experience, Maru studies in order to better his writing skills and create something that would spark critical thinking. Here, his sparse notes, taken over the span of months, become a fully developed concept: "EGO", followed by three years of continous writing.

In 2020, Maru becomes an intern in the turin-based videomaking studio "Robinstudio s.r.l".


During this time, he develops, alongside dear friend and affirmed stand-up comedian Pietro Casella, "RobinVendibile", a series of comedic sketches making fun of the infomercial tv-format. 

In the same year, Maru writes, produces and directs "An(nego) (2020)", a triplet that includes his second short film and an animated collaboration with another friend, Niccolò Gioia, exhibited for a total of thirty-five days at the "Ikona Venezia" Art Gallery.

In March 2021, Maru obtaines a Bachelor's Degree in Cinema Engineering at Politecnico of Turin (and is currently about to obtain a Master's Degree in the same field).

In September 2021, Maru is awarded "Audience Award" with his original screenplay for an animated short, "DECLINO", at the "Pitch&Dream Masterclass", a learning opportunity brought forward by A.I.A.C.E. Torino.

In March 2022, he develops "DILEMMA", original screenplay for an animated short, in the hopes of making it into his first ever Comic Book publication.

In parallel, Maru assists multiple directors in the writing aspect of their works, consulting on the upcoming "L'INNESTO", "PITY PARTY", "IN ARIA" and "A BOY NAMED SUE" short-films, while developing and writing the screenplays for both "IN ARIA" (here titled as "DETTAGLI") and "A BOY NAMED SUE" (here titled as "SUSANNA"). 

In August 2022, Daniel completes the re-writing process for the Pilot Episode of his "EGO" project, now an animated TV-series concept, proposing it to the "Cartoon Springboard" european animated-series market.

Around the same time, Maru becomes Production-Assistant of Federico Turani (Founder & Project Manager for AION Collective APS, Producer for IBRIDO Studio) for the AION Collective APS, an italian association in the Spatialized Sound field, Sound Installations, VR, Metaverses, etc.

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